Advice & Tips  /  Solids & Weaning

Starting Solids

Tips for starting your baby on solid foods. How do you know when your baby is ready to start solids, and what foods should you give them first, in what order? When should you introduce lumps and pieces of food instead of just mash and puree?  Read our tips and share your own!

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Baby Led Weaning

Baby-led weaning is different from the traditional method of starting solids, in that you give your baby finger foods rather than mash. If your baby can sit up without needing their head supported, is six months or older, and is interested in the foods you eat, BLW may be right for your family.

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Meal Ideas

Would love to build up a resource of meal ideas here –  quick, easy, healthy, and affordable meal ideas which children will enjoy.     We want successful meals that the kids love without too many complaints…  Let us know if you’d like to contribute!!

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What to do when it’s time to wean from breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. When is the right time to wean? What are the signs your baby is ready to move on from breastfeeding or formula, and how can you drop a feed without discomfort or drama?

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