Advice & Tips  /  Birth Stories

Natural Birth

Your body was designed to give birth – have confidence in its amazing abilities! Your body knows just what to do when it comes to giving birth vaginally, and these beautiful and honest stories of natural deliveries will help fill you with confidence in your body

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Caesarean Section

A C-section is a different kind of birth, it doesn’t make you less of a mum. Are you planning an elective, or worried and concerned that your labour might need an emergency op.   A C-section doesn’t have to be a scary experience.   Stories from other mums

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Home Birth

Giving birth in your own home can be comforting and enjoyable, with a totally different atmosphere to a hospital or birthing centre.  Mums shared their home birth stories offer great advice

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What is hynobirthing and how common is it done in New Zealand?   HypnoBirthing relaxes the mind in order to let the body work.  Read more to learn about this and the shared stories of other women

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Here’s what real mums say about having labour induced. Labour can be induced for a number of reasons and is usually designed to help preserve the health of both mother and baby. But what is induction of labour, and how is it done? Real mums explain when, why, and how their labour was induced.

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Assisted Labour

Sometimes, baby needs a little bit of help to make an entrance. From forceps to ventouse deliveries, episiotomies and tears, turning breech babies, induction of labour, overdue babies and more, these stories of medical interventions during labour are informative and positive.

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Water Birth

A water birth is wonderful for natural pain relief during labour. Thinking about giving birth in the water – either at home in a hired birthing pool, in a spa pool at the hospital or a birth pool at a maternity unit? These water birth stories from real mums will inspire and fascinate

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Some families don’t get to take their babies home straight away, and spend time in NICU.   Read these stories shared by other mums, full of support and encouragement to survive your time in hospital and bring baby home

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Mums in the VBAC club share their experiences of planning for successful vaginal birth after previous cesareans.  Some women have delivered naturally for 2-3 babies after their first c/section.   Read these stories for hope and encouragement.

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