Category Archives: Baby Rejecting Breast

What to do if your baby goes on a nursing strike or refuses to breastfeed. Is your baby on a nursing strike?
Is he fussing at the breast, refusing to latch properly, or rejecting breastfeeding outright?
If your little one is rejecting the breast and you want to continue breastfeeding, here are some ideas for how to keep breastfeeding and persevere through a nursing strike.

Baby Doesn’t Latch on One Side

Baby doesn't seem to latch on one side, and having trouble breastfeeding with one breast.

Baby Prefering One Side

If your baby has started preferring to feed from one side, (and you are feeling

Eight Month Baby Refusing Breast

Eigth month old baby refuses breastfeeding but mum wants to continue. Expressing, bottle feeding,

Nursing Strike

A group of mothers share their experience and suggestions for getting through it when your

Baby Biting while Breastfeeding

We initially thought when reading this email was that the baby is teething, and seeking