Bottle Feeding Tips

Thinking of starting your baby on a bottle? General info about bottle-feeding. The decision to bottle-feed is always a thoughtful one, made by mums who care deeply about their babies and want to do what is right for the whole family. Here are some answers to common questions about getting your baby started on a bottle, whether you’re feeding expressed breast milk or infant formula.

Mums Share Tips for Starting Bottles

Mothers share their tips for introducing a bottle for their baby, and the difficult times

Starting Baby on a Bottle

Breastmates tips on how to start giving a baby a bottle, and what to do.

Storing and Heating Formula (mums tips)

Formula feeding your baby and not sure how to store the powder and water when

Returning to Work and Expressing

How to return to work and continue feeding baby, expressing and formula feeding. A

Daily Routine for Bottle Feeding

Suggested daily routine for preparing bottles of formula. store them in the fridge ready

What Teat Size to Choose for Bottle Feeding?

How to know what size teat to use when Bottle Feeding. What flowrate teat

Bottle Feeding Tips

Bottle Feeding Advice for those that are formula feeding their babies. Just some tips

Formula Top Ups

Combined Feeding. Mums share their experiences giving their baby a formula top-up. Combing