Author Archives: Franny

Cleaning Bottles

Cleaning and Sterilizing Baby Bottles and Teats - a guide on what to do

Feeding 4 Week Old Baby

Bottle feeding a young baby. A customer asks us some questions and concerns that

Heating Baby Bottles

Maths: To heat a baby milk bottle safely using the perfect combo of hot and

How to Give Baby a Bottle

How to hold a baby when bottle feeding. A demo video showing how to

How to Prepare Baby Formula

Preparing baby bottles, mixing up the formula and getting their bottle ready. How to

Mums Share Tips for Starting Bottles

Mothers share their tips for introducing a bottle for their baby, and the difficult times

Starting Baby on a Bottle

Breastmates tips on how to start giving a baby a bottle, and what to do.

Storing and Heating Formula (mums tips)

Formula feeding your baby and not sure how to store the powder and water when

Switching Breast and Bottle

Combining breastfeeding and bottle feeding is not always an easy task, baby's get fussy.

Returning to Work and Expressing

How to return to work and continue feeding baby, expressing and formula feeding. A