Category Archives: Hypnobirth

HypnoBirthing relaxes the mind in order to let the body work.

Hypnobirthing – Classes taught in Hamilton

Hamilton based Caterina Findsen of Koru Self Development is one of only 13 registered HypnoBirthing®

What is Hypnobirth?

Hypnobirthing... What is it? What does it mean? A power of mind during

Birth of Chloe

Emma shares her powerful birth story - where she only focussed on her breathing and

Breathing Techniques

A mum shares her amazing birth story, how she used hypnobirthing and breathing techniques

Hypno Birth at Home

A mum shares her birth story: she used hypno birthing techniques and breathing, to

Hypno Birthing and Water Birth

A mum shares her amazing birth story, where she used Hypno Birthing and breathing techniques

Totally In Control

My labour with my first child was a long and slow posterior labour, but she