My Youtube Turned into Movie


We have been growing a Youtube channel over the past few years, showing an assortment of product shots, product demo’s, and breastfeeding videos (thanks to our kind friends!)

You can view them all here  Breastmates on Youtube.  Feel free to let us know if you have any special requests and we can make something for you.

We had also uploaded some videos of my young babies, when they were doing certain things.

One was of our first born, very young baby crying.  A simple video.

Anyway, a few months ago we got an email from a women in England that was making a Midwife DVD.  She was very polite and asked if she could use the baby crying sound from my Youtube video.  We said sure, why not, as long as she put me in the credits!  which they did, and we found the credit to Breastmates in the writing at the end!

We’ve just received a copy and watched her DVD and its really cute – its an animated short movie showing the important role of a midwife, baby’s journey, and women in labour.  Then our baby has a starring voice-talent role, when the animated baby is born and silent…. a few tense moments and then the baby cries.  Here is a snippet to share with you.

So its a bit of change from our usual daily grind, but very cool to see how far our Youtube channel has reached and what things can lead from it!!

Here is the original footage.

Credit to Emma Lazenby – this is her website