Birth Control

Breastfeeding is sometimes used as a method of birth control – BUT you could still get pregnant when breastfeeding.

  • if baby is exclusively breastfeed (i.e nothing other than breastmilk is given to your child)
  • if baby is under six month’s of age
  • if mother’s menstrual cycle has not yet started back again after labour

This method is not 100% reliable.

You could still get pregnant even if you are breastfeeding as ovulation can occur before your period starts back.

A more reliable method of birth control is the “mini-pill” contraceptive prescribed by your doctor which is a progestogen-only pill .

Avoid contraceptive pills containing oestrogen while you are breastfeeding.

For more information, speak with your doctor or midwife.  A midwife can usually prescribe contraception (pills and condoms) while you are still under her care.