Category Archives: Parent Prep
Detailed advice for new parents on the first few weeks and months with baby. Coming home from the hospital with your precious new bundle, you may feel a rosy glow and think that everything is just perfect. But when you’re on your own with a newborn, how will you cope? Here are answers to common questions and concerns about newborn babies, including help with learning their tired and hungry cues, what to expect in those first few days and weeks, and how to start getting your body back after baby.
Guess what? Your new baby’s sleeping patterns are normal
In the early days, it's not all about getting your baby to sleep through the
What can my baby see?
Being able to see and use your eyes may seem like it just comes naturally,
Cute but useless: 5 baby products you shouldn’t waste your money on
Does your baby really need a bath thermometer? Here are five cute but useless baby
Little hands: What your newborn is trying to tell you
Does your newborn wave, flail, and try to grasp your breast with their little hands
Baby milestones: What to expect and when they might happen
All babies grow and develop differently, but here are some important baby milestones to keep
5 ways a C-section and natural birth are more alike than you realise
When you're considering the options you have for giving birth to your baby, there are
It’s love! 10 clues your baby likes you
It takes time to figure out the positive signals your baby is making, but keep
The 21 phases of sleep deprivation
Ahhhh, sleep deprivation… You don’t appreciate how truly important sleep is until you can’t have
Did your Baby Have Tongue Tie
Did your baby have tongue tie? How did you identify it, and how long before