Shopping for a Pushchair

Thinking about buying a pushchair?  Here’s a few suggestions that we wrote for a friend recently.  We don’t sell pushchairs here at Breastmates, so we are unbiased.

In my opinion, you should spend more money on your pushchair.  A bed is a bed, but a pushchair is critical.

They all seem nice and easy to push, when you are pregnant and pushing it around empty, in the shop.  But imagine a fat 20 kg kid, and shopping in the basket, going uphill and they can be hard work.  See if you can get a toddler to sit in it when you test drive it at the store.

Another important thing  – is how big they fold up.  Ask at the shop if you can take it to the carpark and see if it fits in your boot.  This was always a struggle when I had a hatchback.

Personally, I learnt about Pushchairs the hard way, and ended up with three!!

The first one I got from a baby store, it was a budget brand.  I thought it was grand because it had 4 wheels, and it initially could go into a bassinette shape (baby looking at mum), and then it would convert to a sitting up position (with toddler looking out).   But this was very difficult to steer, the 4 wheels would just go nuts and I couldn’t turn it.  I had to lift it to turn the wheels with a fat kid in it.  And I didn’t really use it much.  I brought a cheap umbrella stroller thing for $40 and we used that after when our son was a toddler.

With my second baby, I upgraded to a Mountain buggy. Oh my gosh, buying that was sheer joy.  I could steer it using my little finger.  It was sooo nice to push, and i found that I would do a lot more walking.  I got my Mountain Buggy second hand on trademe. Used it for 3 years and then sold it on tradme for the same value! They are expensive new but they do have a good resale value and you might get one secondhand.

Plus some of the Mountain Buggy ones also have a toddler set, or a baby sling bunk thing, or even a skateboard attachment so that you can load up 2 kids.

Here is a picture of my mountain buggy, actually on a mountain.  Baby (5 months) tucked up insidemountainbuggy