Constipated on Formula

If you are bottle feeding your baby, it is CRUCIAL you give them 100mls water per day (boiled & cooled).

Newborns will not drink the whole amount in one sitting, so sipping water throughout the day is what is needed.

It is more work and another thing to have to remember to do… however if you do not, your baby can become constipated… to the point they split their anus and they are bleeding when they pass a poo.

Also their rectum can become damaged (enlarged) and they may need an operation.

Constipation more than often does not go away, it needs to be corrected.

Our newborn became constipated within days of switching from breast milk to bottle milk and a whole year later we were still battling with her constipation.

We had spoken to numerous health professionals and dieticians.

The only helpful person in the end was our excellent paediatrician, who we greatfully are indebted to, as he prevented our daughter from having an operation.

If you are stuck, these are his details: Dr Allen Liang, East Medical Centre, St Heliers, Auckland”

From Anonymous Mother

Breastmates are compiling real advice from mothers who are bottle feeding.  We also have all bottle feeding products at our webstore.