Sad When I Weaned

A customer writes to us…

“Just thought I would share my story, I have two beautiful baby girls and have just weaned my second as I am 20 weeks pregnant with my third.

I was told from about 20 years of age I probably wouldn’t be able to have children due to endometriosis, so when I got pregnant with my first baby I was over the moon.

After a long labour ending in a C-section, thanks to a wonderful midwife I had no issues breast feeding, and my beautiful baby girl was just perfect as was everything else in my life.

Then I got pregnant again when my first baby was 13 months, and she pretty much weaned herself (I was 6 months pregnant with number 2). I was still feeding her at night before bed so to give up that one was rather hard for me. It was such a special time for cuddles, giggles and smiles.

So one night I just put her to bed and that was that, my breastfeeding days were at a holt for all of 3 months until the second baby arrived.  I did go through a grieving process. I missed that special time and to be honest I was rather sad about it all. But I got over that and the next perfect wee bub arrived.

I had a normal birth (whew) and breastfeeding again went really well. I did get cracked nipples (ouch) for about 10 days, but I carried on and at 15months I have just weaned my second. And again i am a bit sad about it, but soon there will be another poppet so fingers crossed all be just as fantastic as the first two.

I have really enjoyed my experiences so far, and my heart goes out to all the Mums that have trouble. But we are so lucky, to have such great options with formula. And as long as those perfect wee poppets are growing and happy that all that should matter.
