Here are a few suggestions on where to get help if you think you have Post Natal Depression. Follow your gut instinct, and keep asking for help until you find someone that will listen.
Your Midwife
Your local Plunket office
National Plunket line 0800 933 922
Your local Counsellor or Family Support Network
Well Women (Franklin). Phone support and support group available: 021 1588134. E-mail [email protected].
Postnatal Psychosis support group: (09) 449 1011
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): TABS – (supporting women who have had a stressful or traumatic birth experience)
Your local library is one of the best free resources! Beyond the Baby Blues – Overcoming Postnatal Distress in New Zealand, by Arlene Goss
Coping with Postnatal Depression – Why it happens and how to overcome it. By Fiona Marshall
NZ Baby & Toddler, by Helen Tomson and Sylvia Wood
Coping with Postnatal Depression, by Sandra Wheatley