Author Archives: Franny

Five essentials – buying maternity clothing

Your bump is showing, your jeans are a bit tight, and your regular bras are

Double duty: Maternity clothes you can wear now and after baby arrives

How to get the most out of your maternity clothes and wardrobe by buying pieces

Fun Christmas pregnancy announcement ideas

Here are some fun Christmas pregnancy announcement ideas to make the big reveal even more

Guess what? Your new baby’s sleeping patterns are normal

In the early days, it's not all about getting your baby to sleep through the

What can my baby see?

Being able to see and use your eyes may seem like it just comes naturally,

Cute but useless: 5 baby products you shouldn’t waste your money on

Does your baby really need a bath thermometer? Here are five cute but useless baby

Franny McInnes Gives a Ted Talk

Franny McInnes (founder of Breastmates) speaking debut at a Tedx Event.

Speaking Events

I was a guest speaker at an event in Cambridge - sharing the story of

Unimom Allegro Breast Pump

The Unimom Allegro Breast Pump can meet the needs of low use, and upgrade to

Little hands: What your newborn is trying to tell you

Does your newborn wave, flail, and try to grasp your breast with their little hands