Author Archives: Franny

Unimom v Medela Breast Pumps

It can get really confusing deciding what type of breast pump to buy. But

Unimom Breast Pump – Air Leak

Unimom Breast Pump Spare Parts - & Trouble Shooting

Belly Wrap (6 months post-preg)

Katie is a busy mum, still suffering back pain 6 months post-pregnancy. She gave

Maternity Fashion

Some of our styles were included in Oh Baby magazine's maternity fashion pages

Gobstopperz Baby Comforter

This customer looks content! Fast asleep with her Gobstopperz Comforter

Striped Breastfeeding Top

Striped Breastfeeding Top - Michelle's accidental match with her daughters. Cute

Nursing Dresses

A gorgeous photo of Sarah in her Breastmates Nursing Dress #mumlife

The pregnant mum’s Christmas survival guide

Tiredness, mood swings, swollen ankles, random people touching your bump, cocktails you can't have... Christmas

Five Must Haves for Breastfeeding

These are our Recommended Five Must Haves for new mums

Five Must Haves for Bottle Feeding

Here are the top five products that we recommend for starting out with bottles -