Author Archives: Franny

Traceys Twin Breastfeeding Story

Tracey shares her experience of breastfeeding twins, and reviews the Twin Breastfeeding Pillow that is

Breastfeeding NZ DVD

Mums across New Zealand are giving their babies the best start in life. And now

Breastfeeding Video

A breastfeeding video showing how baby latches and sucks. Recorded by Breastmates

My Youtube Turned into Movie

My baby crying sound recording is used in an animated movie, someone found it on

Nursing Baby

Nursing Baby on Video. A demonstration on how baby latches to breast and nurses.

Tired Baby

Breastfeeding Video - showing baby tired signs and cues that the baby is too tired

Video: Breast Pump Noises

We have made some videos of Breast Pumps so that you can listen to the

Video: Breastfeeding Sounds

Video of baby breastfeeding. Suckling and happily having a booby feed. You can hear

Video: Latching a Baby

Breastmates quick demo video to show you a baby latching for a breastfeed. A

Video: Waiting for Letdown

Breastfeeding video showing how babies can get a bit grumpy and impatient waiting for milk