Author Archives: Franny

Cracked and Sore Nipples

Cracked nipples and painful breastfeeding. Some breastfeeding tips and breast feeding advice for you

Protecting your Nipples

Use silicone nipple protectors when your nipples have been damaged from breastfeeding. These will help

Using Nipple Shields

Nipple Shields: when to use them, do you need them? And we list

When to Use Nipple Shields

Medela Nipple Shields - are a temporary tool to assist you and baby learning how

Induced Lactation for Foster Baby

Our suggestions on how to induce lactation using a breast pump, and a supplemental nutrition

Video: Baby Feeding Tube

A demonstration showing baby nursing at the breast while using a Lacta-Aide tube, a supplementary

Tube Feeding Baby

Tube Feeding Baby. Feeding baby via a tube

Blocked Milk Ducts

Block Milk Ducts - a few methods to help remove blocked milk ducts.

Engorged Breasts

Engorged Breasts from Breastfeeding - what they look like and how to treat them

Signs of Mastitis

Mastitis: what symptoms to look for, pain relief and treatment. Some free advice from