Protecting your Nipples

“Why do they say that the nipple protectors should not be used, or only used for a limited time?   Is it bad for the mum or the baby?”

A lot of midwives, especially in New Zealand, don’t like mothers using themedela nipple shields as they prefer for mother and baby to have full skin to skin contact.

The silicone nipple protectors would be used AFTER the damage has occurred, like a crack or a craze.

You would use the nipple protectors so that you can still breastfeed your baby with less pain.

Some people may think that it would be better use the nipple protectors straight away, before nipple damage has occurred. But not all women will get nipple damage. And it is better to try to do it naturally first.

If you do get any slight damage or soreness to your nipple, then yes, use Nipple Protectors for a short time while your nipple heals.  These will allow you to continue breastfeeding, with less pain.

As soon as you are healed, you should stop using them.