Author Archives: Franny

Mastitis and Probiotics

Breast Feeding through the pain of engorgement and mastitis. How antibiotics and probiotics helped

Me and Mastitis – Kristins Story

Extreme case of breast abscess. Kristin shares her story.

Milk Brings on Reflux and Colic

A mother who has milk products and drinks, may notice that reflux and colic increases

My 6 Children and Flat Nipples

One mum shares her experience of breastfeeding her six children - who were all different!

Negative Feeding Experiences

Negative breastfeeding experiences were taking time that could be positive. Persevering with breast milk

Newborn and Toddler

How life changes when you have a toddler and a new baby

Painful Between Feeds

One mum shares her breastfeeding story, and how the pain she felt during breastfeeding and

Positive Outcomes with Bottles and Breastfeeding

One mother shares her experience with breast and bottle feeding her five babies. She

Postnatal Depression

Breastfeeding and Postnatal Depression - How breastfeeding was a burden

Premmie Baby

A mother shares her story of breastfeeding a premmie baby, and how she expressed breast