Had fun at a photoshoot recently – doing our new range of #maternityclothes. This is the beautiful Anthea who will be the new face of Breastmates for a while.
Photoshoots are always such an epic day for me! I get to see all my designs come to life after months of working on them. Before the shoot, I have all the items lined up in my office on coathangers for a few weeks, and I piece together outfits and mix’n’match to figure out how to run the shoot. Then it all seems to come together on the day!
This season our maternity clothes have lots of colour options, and lots of mix’n’match styles, for the office and home. Have a browse online: Maternity Clothes Range

Special thanks to Josh, Anthea, and Siobhan
Franny xx
#MaternityClothes – “just like this” trying to get the right angle to show these Maternity Jeans
PS I was wearing our Navy Stripe Cotton Dress