Products in Action

It’s so great to see customers using our products….

It was so lovely to receive this email from our customer Catherine.  She had purchased a Breastmates nursing cover  from us last week

Here is Catherine and her baby girl, breastfeeding in public, in front of hundreds of people at the recent Christchurch Rodeo.

Catherine says, “Here are some photos of me using the cover you sent me at the rodeo.  It was AWESOME!!!  There were hundreds of people there and this cover was wonderful.  It was so easy to use and kept the sun off of my little one. I love the stiffened neck as I could talk to baby while she was feeding.  And it made feeding in a very public place easy and not stressful!  So thank you so much for sending the cover to me so quickly.  I have already bragged about this cover to my pregnant friends and other friends who have seen it think it is awesome! And what value for money!”

We have Nursing Covers available in Plain Colours, and also some withbeautiful designer prints.




This photo also shows the Reminder Wristband, so that mum can keep track of feeding times and sides.

It would be GREAT if you want to share your own photos wearing our garments too!