A customer recently shared this photo with us via our Breastmates Facebook Page
She writes: “I just love this photo even though A LOT of people go ‘why did you take a photo of your baby breastfeeding yuck’… I think it is absolutely beautiful and looks like he is having to concentrate REALLY hard.. If it wasn’t for breastfeeding my boy wouldn’t be where he is today after being a tiny little prem he is now a average size for his age (9 months)
I was lucky enough to be able to express colustrum 2 weeks before he was induced cause they knew he was tiny and had stopped growing and he would be very hungry whgen he came out, and thank goodness for being like a cow (what the nurses always used to joke and say to me)cause he only had to be feed the timiest amount of formula while in SCBU. I just regret having to stop when he was 5 months old ( as i was pregnant and the quality of my milk dropped and so did his awesome weight gain so after weeks of tears onto formula he went).
I wish I could encourage more mothers to breast feed as my 1.9 kg baby ( now 8.5kg big boy) has never ever been sick in his whole 9 months of being with us and I think that is due to being breastfeed. 🙂
I am just hoping i can breastfeed my next son for as long as i did with this little guy.”