Category Archives: Birth Stories

When you’re pregnant and have never experienced labour, or you’re facing a different kind of labour from the first time around, or you just want to know more about what different kinds of labour are like, reading birth stories can help demystify birth and give you ideas about the kind of birth you’d like. Whether you’re planning a home birth or hospital birth, a natural labour or C-section, a hypnobirth or water birth, or you want to know more about assisted labour, birth interventions, or just need to know what your birth options are, we’ve got a story to tell you! Wonderful mums have shared their birth stories for you to read and learn from. In their own words, these birth stories from real mums will touch your heart.

Totally In Control

My labour with my first child was a long and slow posterior labour, but she

Birthing Pool Eases Labour

January 19th was kind of a blah day for me. I didn't really feel 'bad'