Bottle Feeding Mums

Support and real-life stories from mums who bottle-feed their babies. If you bottle-feed your baby, there’s nothing to be ashamed of!

At Breastmates, we believe that every mother has the right to support and non-judgemental, helpful advice, whatever way she feeds her baby.

Real mums tell about their experiences with bottle-feeding and how to overcome the feelings of guilt and frustration at others’ judgement of their decision.

Pumping at Work is Hard Work

A mum shares her experience of working and continuing to breastfeed by expressing, and just

Switching to Formula

When mothers decide to switch from breast to bottle feeding, it can be hard for

Nicola’s Story of Feeding Stress versus Bonding

Nicola shares her story. "I look at my daughter looking at me from

Formula Top Ups

Combined Feeding. Mums share their experiences giving their baby a formula top-up. Combing