Mums Share Tips How to Stop Baby Biting While Breastfeeding

Mums share their tips on how to deal with a baby biting while breastfeeding.


 With my little one she does it when she’s done or has wind. So if shes fussy I taker her off burp her and see if she wants more. If I keep her on that’s when she bites. Good luck


 My son was getting his 3rd tooth by 4months and he was biting. I was told to block his nose when he bites or take him off completely. Blocking nose seems to help for us and telling off with a grumpy voice.


 Mine only did it a couple if times. I gave a stern “no” unlatched him and popped him on the ground for a little bit then started over. He tried it again and got the same response and never tried again.


My son has just started and he’s only 10 weeks. With my other three I would say a firm “no” and take them off. After winding and maybe a nappy change offer it again but usually they have had enough


 I got told to pull them into you as they then have to let go I would then put on the floor and walk away then come back and try again, good luck


Smother bubs with your breast as they automatically let go and arch back to breath. A stern no then put them down.


 I was told pull them into your breast as then they cant suck/bite and have to let go


 My 4mth old is cutting his 3rd tooth and I so feel your pain! When he bites down, I take him off say a stern no and try again.


 Don’t use physical techniques to discipline physical behaviour just like you wouldn’t smack a child for punching don’t flick, tap etc for biting. Take home off put him somewhere safe (i used to put my daughter in her cot and leave the room) for a few minutes then try again she never did it again on the same day and tried maybe once every couple of days for a week then never again


Seems unintuitive, but gently push INTO your breast and they will generally release. Also calmly say say ‘no’ (could upset them if you raise your voice or are too harsh sounding). Then try again. They are either playing/exploring or teething. Have patience, like all things it won’t last and they don’t mean to hurt you.


 My daughter bit with new teeth and drew blood, i said ow no quite loudly put her down on the floor and moved away. Then a minute later picked her up resumed the feed from the other side lol, instructing her no biting mummy please, and she never did.


 Try keeping a finger on his cheek so you can unlatch right away if he bites. I also say ‘no bite’ in a firm voice and wait a minute before latching again. All mine have tended to bite at the end of a feed so I figure they are not desperately hungry by then!