Category Archives: Dad Zone
What dads really want to know about pregnancy, maternity lingerie, and sex! Becoming a dad is life-changing, but it starts even before your baby arrives.
What’s going on with maternity bras, and why doesn’t my wife want me to touch her boobs any more?
What do dads need to know about breastfeeding and how to support their partners?
And how can I bond with my baby when she’s the one doing the majority of the care?
Here’s advice for dads, from dads who are in the know.
What NOT to do in the delivery room
Dads-to-be, trust us: There are some things you do NOT want to be caught doing
10 things new parents really want
Before you visit new parents or a breastfeeding mum, take a few minutes to read
Love the Moby Wrap
Moby Wrap - a shared story of how a moby wrap changed this mothers life.
Greatest Dad Award
FREE FREE FREE something special for the man in your life.... Print off one of
Man’s HOTmilk Buying Guide
A few pointers and help for buying your girl gorgeous HOTmilk lingerie. Breastmates can
How will a New Baby Change your Sex Life
Inside story on how a newbaby in your house may change your sex life.
Dads View on Breastfeeding
With a new baby in the house you need to Dad Up
Fathers share their stories about welcoming newborn baby, and life with a newborn baby.
Becoming a Dad
Becoming a Dad is the most wonderful event. A fathers comments about breastfeeding