Dads View on Breastfeeding

We recently received this email from a customer’s husband, who has shared his story about becoming a Dad.

Sara says “This is my story about my great husband and his views . Right from the start I was always going to breast feed, so was never one of these mums that would say ” I will breast feed if I can” I always said ” I will be breast feeding.”  On the BIG DAY things didn’t go as planned I was rushed to the hospital and had to have a C sec, and my husband got first to hold our daughter  first ( while I was getting stitched up). He just pulled up his top and put her on his chest ( lucky he had a shower that morning ha ha ).  I then got handed my baby and she just knew what to do, suckle suckle.  Hubby would get down close to her and whisper ” make those “special K” lips baby you can do it. AND SHE DID!!!!!!!

Sara’s husband says “It shocks me that dads don’t want to help out with mum and baby especially in those first few days.  Since my wife was hurting I would do all the nappy changes and I would let the new mummy sleep. I loved looking in to my babies eyes and saying I’m your dad and NO ONE can take that away.

Coming home, my wife recovered really well after her C sec, I put that down to a great LMC and myself, I didn’t let her do ANYTHING except make milk and sleep.

I joined a Mens Group and was shocked with the amount of guys who didn’t think that a baby would change there life. They were complaining about the lack of sex and sleepless nights.  One guy said that he hates his wife breast feeding in front of him because it GROSSES him out. He said that he like his wife TITS ( that right he used the word tits ) and he didn’t want them getting all stretched and saggy because of breast feeding. I felt like saying the days of your wife breasts being sex objects are over, so get over it. Breast feeding is sexy in a totally non sexual way.

NOW……. two years later our daughter is still feeding, when she wakes up from her nap she pops into mum’s lap and says “boobie please mamma”.

and she has just started trying to feed her babies and teddies, she pops them on her top and says boobie time , and today she said , oh good teddy nice big drink , its very cute.

hope this story helps, I feel some men really do need to just DAD up – (the opposite of MAN up ) and just be a dad, at the end of the day its the mum and the baby who matter most, not what your mates or work mates think.

I love that my girl when she sees me runs into my arms , I AM the most important man in her life , and I’m not going to stuff it up.”

I am so pleased that these parents shared this email with us.  What a wonderfully supportive husband she’s got there!