Category Archives: Parent Prep
Detailed advice for new parents on the first few weeks and months with baby. Coming home from the hospital with your precious new bundle, you may feel a rosy glow and think that everything is just perfect. But when you’re on your own with a newborn, how will you cope? Here are answers to common questions and concerns about newborn babies, including help with learning their tired and hungry cues, what to expect in those first few days and weeks, and how to start getting your body back after baby.
Relaxed Baby Routines
A few tips on settling into a relaxed baby routine. Follow your baby's cues,
Baby Clothes and Care
Choosing Baby Clothing - what to look for when shopping for baby clothes, and what
What Games to Play at Your Baby Shower
Celebrate and have a fun time at your Baby Shower. Here are some fun
Eight Ways to Reduce Stress for New Mums
Being a new mum is a pretty steep learning curve. Here are eight
Shopping for a Cot
Which cot to buy? Here are some unbiased comments about shopping for your baby's
Shopping for a Pushchair
Which Pushchair to buy? Here are some unbiased comments about shopping for your baby's
Meconium – What to Expect
Meconium - Baby's First Poop. A little introduction and image so you can see
Baby Poo Guideline
Baby Poo - a Parents Guide to Poo Inspections. What different colour and texture
Banish the Nosey Parkers
Banish the Busybodies and Nosey Parkers!! 10 comebacks to say when people comment on
Reflux Survivors – shared tips
Reflux Survivors: Any Tips on Settling Bubs? Shared tips from 100 mums.