What should I pack in the bag for the birth of my baby?

Are you getting yourself ready to have your baby but you’re not sure what to pack in your birthing bag?
Here’s a list of all the items we suggest to pack in your birthing bag
For Baby
- 2-3 changes of warm baby clothes – long stretch and grows (woolen or merino is best)
- 2-3 short sleeved baby stretch’n’grows
- 2-3 beanies (woolen are preferable – Your midwife will put a beanie straight on bubs after delivery, so it may get dirty. Take a couple of different sizes too.)
- 2-3 Woolen cardigans – Even in summer we will want to keep baby warm
- 2-3 wraps or blankets (cotton or woolen are best as they are breathable)
- 2-3 pairs of booties or socks
- Mittens (some babies are born with long finger nails!)
- Nappies and wipes for bubs – most birthing centres provide these but take some just incase
For Mum
- Nipple cream – buy a small tube to begin with incase you get sore nipples
- Hydrogel Breast Discs – these will heal up any initial damage that might happen when you’re learning how to breastfeed
- Lip balm – lots of Mums get dry lips during labour
- Drink bottle (with sippy straw is best – make sure your birthing partner keeps you hydrated during labour)
- 3 changes of clothes for yourself
- 5 – 6 pairs of maternity underwear (be prepared for emergency c-section), we also suggest the Disposable Knickers for the initial messy stage.
- 2 maternity bras
- 2 packets of maternity pads
- A changes of clothes for your birthing partner
- Snacks – chocolate, lollies, muesli bars or nuts. These are great to have in your bag incase things take a little longer than expected. Your birthing partner will really appreciate the thought! And take some snacks to munch on during your stay in the unit afterwards.
- Baby capsule or car-seat – make sure this has been safely fitted and the belt is adjusted to fit a new born baby.
We wish you all the best for your special day!