Gestational Surrogacy

Today we have received an email from a customer who was a surrogate, she has summarized her journey in the following paragraphs.  Please take a moment to read her story below.  She is an amazing lady!

“In July 2008 I sent a friend an email that changed her life. I offered to be a surrogate and carry one of her precious frozen embryos. This was the start of a journey that I’ll never forget.

Gestational surrogacy in New Zealand requires ECART Ethical Committee approval. In New Zealand surrogacy is completely altruist – no payment is made to the surrogate.

At times it felt like we were jumping through hoops and ticking bureaucrat boxes as legal, medical and counselling appointments all had to take place before we could begin. Although the counselling appointments seemed like another hurdle to overcome, they raised some important points for us to discuss – how would I feel once the baby was born, what if the baby had a disability, what ante-natal screening would the parents want, what circumstances would I consent to terminate the pregnancy if something was seriously wrong, what if the parents changed their minds… The questions seemed endless, but they all needed to be discussed before we started.

Once we were given ECART approval, the process to become pregnant was relatively easy. My cycle was tracked, and tracked, and mid-cycle one precious embryo was thawed and transferred into my uterus.

I couldn’t wait for the beta blood test and started using home pregnancy tests ten days later. I sent Julie and Steve photos of the positive tests. Two days later Julie travelled to Hamilton to wait with me for the beta blood test results to come in. Yes! Definitely pregnant!

The pregnancy went smoothly. Julie and Steve travelled to Hamilton for midwife appointments and scans and visited to spend time with my family. I sent them photos of my growing belly and we talked, emailed and txt frequently.

My boys were born before their due dates, so I was surprised that Sam’s due date came and went and still he hadn’t arrived. At 41 weeks I finally got to send the txt message they had been waiting for “it’s time to come!”.

Julie and Steve supported me through the labour, pouring water over my back as I laboured in water. When Sam was born I picked him up and turned him over. Once I had a good grip on him I passed him over to Julie who was at the side of the bath. Finally she had her baby in her arms. The massive smile on her face will be imprinted on my memory forever.

After 4 days Julie and Steve travelled home with Sam. I was bracing myself for the Baby Blues, but they didn’t arrive. Sam is a gorgeous baby. I loved being pregnant with him, but felt no maternal connection to him. It was a bit like holding a baby nephew – he’ll always have a special place in my heart, but he’s not mine.

Julie went through the process of ‘inducing lactation’ in the months leading up to Sam’s birth and is able to breast feed Sam even though she had not been pregnant. I pumped, froze and couriered milk for Sam for nine weeks to supplement Julie’s milk.

In a few days it will be one year since that beautiful 7 cell embryo was transferred to me. As I look back on our journey I am so humbled that Julie and Steve trusted me to protect and grow Sam for them.

It has been an incredible year for them too!

Julie and I used the double electric Meleda Symphony pumps hired from Breastmates. We have both found this pump to be quiet , very efficient and comfortable to use. ”

A very humbling story shared by Bridget, who is a mother of two boys

To learn more about surrogacy, please visit