How big is my baby? Pregnancy week by week

What size is my baby

From the moment you find out you’re pregnant, you’ll want to know how big your baby is at each stage of development. And thinking of your baby’s size in terms of millimetres or centimeters doesn’t mean a whole lot. It’s far easier to relate the size of your baby to fruits and vegetables, particularly as you see them in the supermarket every time you shop!

Pregnancy week by week: How big is my baby?

Your baby will start out at such a small size, he or she can’t be seen with the naked eye. But before long, your baby will be the size of a salt crystal, and then will quickly grow to be as big as a poppy seed. And then the fun begins! Compare your week of pregnancy to the chart below to answer the question “How big is my baby?” in a fun way. Warning: This chart may cause food cravings!

Weeks 1-4 Salt crystal to poppy seed Week 22 Papaya
Week 5 Apple seed Week 23 Broccoli
Week 6 Baby pea Week 24 Ear of corn
Week 7 Blueberry Week 25 Grapefruit
Week 8 Raspberry Week 26 Rockmelon
Week 9 Olive Week 27 Cauliflower
Week 10 Prune Week 28 Lettuce
Week 11 Lime Week 29 Swede
Week 12 Plum Week 30 Aubergine
Week 13 Peach Week 31 Pineapple
Week 14 Lemon Week 32 Coconut
Week 15 Orange Week 33 Cucumber
Week 16 Avocado Week 34 Pumpkin
Week 17 Onion Week 35 Cabbage
Week 18 Mango Week 36 Leek
Week 19 Kumara Week 37 Celery
Week 20 Banana Week 38 Silverbeet
Week 21 Pomegranate Weeks 39-40 Watermelon

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