A mother shares her story of miscarriage, she writes:
“I wasn’t married until I was 30 and thought that we should start trying for a baby not too long after we got married as I was worried about leaving it too long because of my age.
Wasn’t sure how long it might take us to get pregnant. We got pregnant in the second month that we tried. We were both so excited and happy. It was a surreal feeling to know that you were pregnant for the first time. I was looking at baby stuff. We told everyone quite early on because we were so happy and didn’t even think about a miscarriage.
I started bleeding at 13 weeks and first thought it was normal but as it went on I got very nervous. Our midwife booked as in for a scan. At the scan we were told that the baby had died 4-5 weeks previous.
We went home and told the midwife, who never said that I might need to go to hospital for a D and C, and she never contacted us again to see how we were going. Needless to say we didn’t use her again nor recommend her to anyone else.
Later that evening the bleeding got heavier and heavier and I got in more and more pain so my husband took me to hospital. In A & E we had to wait for a long time with my blood pressure dropping (I have low blood pressure). The doctor on call was called in because they were a bit worried about me. I had to stay in the hospital overnight without my husband before having a D & C the next day. Which I found really hard.
Often we think of our first child and when our children (we have three now) are older we will tell them about their older sibling and how God decided that our baby was so special that He wanted him/her up in Heaven with Him and how we will get to see him/her someday. We got a ring for me to remember our baby by. The baby is very often thought of.
We got pregnant straight away the next time and I didn’t really enjoy the pregnancy as at 5 weeks I had some spotting and then at 16 weeks a big bleed (I had a low lying placenta then), this was extremely scary because a first they couldn’t find the baby’s heartbeat so for about an hour we were left wondering if this baby had died too, but a beautiful healthy girl was born who is 5 yrs now.