Jo’s PND

Jo share’s her experience with Post Natal Depression.

She writes:

I had PND after the birth of my second child and it was awful. With the loving support of family, several close friends and my midwife I got through it and now enjoy motherhood and my two darling children.

I’m not afraid to talk about it as talking (and crying) helped me through.

People don’t need to suffer in silence and asking for help is not a weakness although can be difficult. Looking back I’m amazed I had PND with my second child and not my first.

My first child was not planned and the pregnancy was very stressful and traumatic, my son very unsettled and never seemed to sleep but baby number 2 was planned, with a calm happy pregnancy and a settled content daughter who slept.

So why did I look at my kids and cry? Wondering why I wasn’t the happiest person in the world, I had 2 beautiful healthy happy children even after medical experts said I may not ever be able too?

Its a mystery, but I’m through the other side now and have been able to help several friends through their own experiences with PND since.