Author Archives: Franny

Baby Very Stuck

Naomi shares her birth story __________________ I was induced the day after my due date

Baby Well Over Due

Birth story shared by a mum - baby was long overdue. She had

Contractions Didn’t Increase

A mum shares her birth story, how contractions never got closer together and she had

Cord Around Neck

A mum shares the story of her daughters birth, labouring for 15 hours and baby

Csection at 31 Week

A story of baby's arrival, a cesaeran performed at 31 weeks due to blood pressure

Episiotomy and Vontouse Suction

A mum shares her birth story, starting with induction (breaking waters) to start contractions, episiotomy

Forceps Delivery

A mum shares the story of her sons birth - where she had help to

Induction at 35 Weeks

"A mum shares her birth story - induction at 35 weeks due to the risk

Labour Didn’t Progress

A mum shares her birth story, an induced labour that didn't progress and resulted in

Posterior Baby

Mother shares her birth story - baby was posterior and turned anterior, and how she