Author Archives: Franny

Breastfeeding Support Places

Where to go for help with breastfeeding. A list of resources published in Tots

Lingerie in Little Treasures Mag

Little Treasures Magazine feature our lingerie. This magazine loves our HOTmilk available online, as

World of Wearable Art

World of Wearable Art Awards - Bizarre Bra entry by Frances McInnes. Titled

Invisible Milk

Breastfeeding Tie Back Tunic featured in Little Treasures magazine. Order yours online at Breastmates.

Our Elegance Feeding Top

Feeding Top as featured in Littlies Magazine.

Top Shop Winner

Top Shop Winner - Breastmates wins award for Top Online shop

Help the Medicine go Down

Help the medicine go down with this new liquid medicine dispenser, designed by a pediatrician.

Waikato Times support PND Project

Breastmates have been featured in the media in New Zealand over the past few years.

Our Products are Loved

Breastmates featured in Oh Baby magazine, winter 2011. As the recommended stockist for Hotmilk

Have a Heart for Mums with PND

Breastmates are speaking out about Post Natal Depression. Breastmates are selling charity tshirts