Author Archives: Franny

Breast Pads with Good Absorption

A customer recently asked a question about our reusable breast pads, she was researching breast

Wean Baby Off Breastfeeding

Mums share their tips on how to wean baby, as one of the mums in

Comparison of Unimom Breast Pumps – Forte and Minuet

Just a quick note to help clarify the difference between between the Unimom Breast

How Long for Your Milk to Come In (after c-section)?

C-Section Mums share their experience on "How Long Did it Take for Your Milk to

Breast Pump Parts

We can help find the breast pump parts that you need for the brand and

Maternity Dresses Fashion Week

Breastmates maternity dresses on the catwalk at NZ Fashion Week 2018

Baby milestones: What to expect and when they might happen

All babies grow and develop differently, but here are some important baby milestones to keep

NZ Fashion Week 2018

It's only weeks until NZ Fashion Week and we're joining the runway with Little Treasures

How to: Put the brakes on awkward pregnancy conversations

Nothing seems to bring opinion-sharers out of the woodwork like pregnancy. No waiting area, family

Rachael’s Birth Story

Rachael shares her birth story - which didn't quite go to plan due to a