Author Archives: Franny

When Can I Start Losing My Baby Weight

When is the best time to lose weight after having a baby? How soon

Shapewear Underwear

HOTmilk Lingerie's new Shapewear range. Slimming underwear garments to flatten and flatter.

Breastfeeding Contraception & Ovulation

This is a natural method of contraception that you can use while breastfeeding, but it

Rules about Baby Names

Baby names and choosing baby names. What is the etiquette with reserving names that

Post Natal Depression

Post Natal Depression - Signs of PND and online Support

Pelvic Floor Muscles

Smart Balls are vaginal balls that are lightly weighted, and inserted to help strengthen pelvic

Helping with New Baby

Suggested things to help with when there is a new baby. The perfect baby

Gift Vouchers

Breastmates gift voucher let the New Mum decide what products she would like to buy.

Birth Control

Is breastfeeding a method of contraception? We talk about a few methods of contraception

Age of Mothers

We did a quick survey on our Facebook page, and the results are quite interesting.