When Can I Start Losing My Baby Weight

How Soon Can I Start Loosing My Baby Weight

A frequently asked question by a lot of mums is ‘when can I start losing my baby weight’?

This subject gets a lot of media attention, with celebs seemingly losing their baby weight at a rapid pace, and back on the red carpet looking glamorous and trim before you know it.

The first thing to remember is losing weight and body image is a very personal topic and everyone has different goals – it is very rare to find different people having exactly the same weight loss objectives. But when it comes to shaping up post partum, research tells us that a common goal is that women want to lose their baby weight, regain their confidence and get back into their pre pregnancy clothes.

But exactly what this means differs from women to women. For some this means getting back to a size 8 and for others it means getting back to a size 14. The end goal is always a personal one and the focus should be on health and happiness not on external factors or pressures – such as celebrities in the media who live a very different life to us normal mums.

So How Soon Then?

Some women may want to start a couple of months after giving birth and for others it is more than 12 months. The key is not to even think about it until you are ready and this often comes down to what kind of baby you have, if they are sleeping well, if they are settled into a routine that suits your lifestyle, and whether you are first time mum – second time mums are usually ready to lose their weight faster.

The most important thing is to bond with your baby, cope with your new life, cope with your hormones and cope with a lack of sleep – not worry about what the scales are saying.

When you do feel ready to lose weight it is absolutely crucial to do it in the right way – and that means by following a sensible weight loss plan that focuses first on health and wellness, and secondly weight loss. The main thing is to be clear about your own weight loss and healthy eating goals so that you are motivated for the right reasons. Not being clear about your reasons for wanting to lose weight, nor having a clear idea of your goals is a key reason we fail with our attempts at weight loss.

Our best advice is for you to enjoy your new baby, put no pressure on yourself to lose weight as you navigate the challenges of parenthood, and when you are 100% ready to lose weight set yourself realistic weight loss goals and stay focused on your reason for doing so (pin that pre preggo photo of yourself in skinny jeans on the fridge).

Good luck!

This article was written for us by Nic McCondach from http://www.losebabyweight.co.nz visit their website for recipes, exercise advice, weight loss plans, and motivation!