Author Archives: Franny

Breastfeeding Info

Coming home with a new baby is a daunting task. We've prepared a section

Breastfeeding Rights

BREASTMATES Your rights as a breastfeeding mother. Breastfeeding discrimination is not legal. It is

Breastfeeding Tips

Some tips on how to breastfeed your baby and how to get started with a

Cabbage Leaves for Engorged Breasts

Cabbage leaves for engorged breasts. How to use cabbage leaves to make a compress

Days for Milk to Come In

We did a quick poll on our facebook page, where 132 women replied with their

Department of Labour Code for BF at Work

Breastfeeding in the Work Place - Code of Employment Practise from the Department of Labour

Doctor to Fix Tongue Tie

Doctor to perform Tongue Tie snip for young baby

Dr Seuss Breastfeeding Rhyme

Dr Seuss style rhyme Nursing Mums. Love it!

Dropping the Last Feed

Stopping breastfeeding and dropping the number of feeds, how to stop? A mother

Feeding Baby with a Cold

Feeding baby with a cold, how to continue feeding your baby when they have a