Some customers with BNZ Visa’s are having security issues on lots of shopping websites (not just ours). Here are a few words of info…
Dear customers
Please note that if you are a BNZ or Global Plus credit card holder, many websites will now require you to use the Verified by Visa system. This is an additional security measure that the banks have in place for your security.
When you are on a shopping cart, after you enter your credit card number on the secure page, then the Verified by Visa picture may come up on your screen. This will ask you for your PIN number – its a pin number that controls the credit card transaction, as an extra security measure to ensure that you are holding your card, and to ensure that you can set the limit for the $ value of online purchases. (just incase your card gets lost or stolen)
The “Verified by Visa” is an extra security measure. Because to now purchase with your credit card the user needs the number, expiry, 3 digit verification code, plus the PIN number which is one that you set.
This is a system that is being implemented by more banks now, and you may encounter it on more websites, not just our one.
If you have any doubt, please contact your bank.
This is something that is between you and your bank, it has nothing to do with our site.
Our payments page for credit card details is hosted by DPS (Direct Payment Solutions), they are a NZ based company that process the credit card details for us in real time. Sample screen of the payments page:
Then the following Verified By Visa page that you may see if you are a BNZ card holder, looks like this:
These screens are both NORMAL
But remember, if in doubt -just call us. We can process all details manually as well.
If you are ever shopping on any website (not just our one) and you don’t feel comfortable with credit card options etc, then PHONE the company before you place the order.