Breastfeeding Cookies Photoshoot

In preparation to launch our new premix for the Breastfeeding Cookies we had to do a photoshoot.  I thought it would be easy…..

Special thanks to my friend Bev ( for helping me.  I’ve done so many fashion shoots for my maternity clothing styles, but I found it quite tricky to style these breastfeeding cookies and get the right “pose”.

I didn’t realise there were so many ways to style cookies!   A baking tray, a pile, a stack, a hot mess, crumbs,  we were trying lots of combinations. So funny!

We needed to get some pics to use on our packaging and marketing.

Breastfeeding Cookies
Breastfeeding Cookies
Breastfeeding Cookies
food styling is not my forte  – Breastfeeding Cookies


After getting the photo, our graphic designer made a cute label.  Here is the final result

Breastfeeding Cookies
Breastfeeding Cookies


Shop online to buy your own packet of premix and then you can see the packaging in real life…..!  Breastfeeding Cookies