Everyone’s a Star

Your Chance to be a Star



*You are welcome to view the gallery that we’re updating on our Facebook page here


Have you ever fancied seeing yourself – or your baby – on the cover of a magazine? We are requesting your photos with our latest project!

We have created a special magazine cover designed to acknowledge the amazing job mums do in feeding their babies. All that’s left is to get mums to share their photos of “baby feeding” – whatever that phrase means to you.  (Breast, bottle, formula, expressing, mixed feeding, tube feeding, donor milk, solids etc)

I believe that all mums deserve support and inspiration with feeding their babies, and this special photo search intends to do just that.

We will keep this campaign open and keep adding photos to our collection, so that everyone can have a chance to be involved.

Here’s what to do:

  • Photos with theme: Baby Feeding at your house
  • Send your photo to this special email address

    Email Your Photo or email [email protected]

  • The photos do not need to be recent
  • You must hold copyright for the photo you send.

We have started collating the images into a wonderful gallery you can view it here

If you aren’t able to send a photo today, perhaps your baby hasn’t been born yet!  Just send an email to the above address, and we’ll create the image for you whenever possible.

I hope you will get involved too?
