Grace and Aroha

Introduction to Parent Guide in Hamilton – Grace and Aroha

There really is very little ways to prepare for the day you start life with a newborn. You can learn about pregnancy and birth, but how do you learn about being parents? There is an infinite amount of information available at our fingertips these days which can be overwhelming, coupled with the perfect social media lifestyle, when in reality having a newborn means surviving on very little sleep, learning who you are as a mum and how you can be there for your new baby.

Grace and Aroha is a Parent Guide business set up by Jay Fowles, and is based in Hamilton New Zealand.   Jay has spent countless hours working with babies through early childhood education,  and has developed her passion for infants after realising how much she’d learnt since having her own children.

Jay’s services as a Parent Guide are to lift you up when things are tough, showing you ways to be a confident parent, understanding your baby’s cues and how to develop a partnership with your child.  And offers a variety of services based on the needs of each family.  Jay says that she truly believes that asking for support in the early days will set you up for whatever parenting throws at you, and it’s all about the relationship you have with your baby from the very beginning.

“The pleasure I get from seeing parents blossom in confidence and wisdom is why I created Grace & Aroha.”