Interaction with Humans

Sometimes the universe sends something just when you need to hear it.

This email reminded me that it is the human interaction that drives me , not the business finances, techie stuff or awards etc. (Though I stress about the money because I’m relying on myself to support me and my children, and my staff and their families now too.)

The key is being able to CARE.  And that is part of me.

I understand what it is like being a mum, and wherever I can,  I can listen and offer support.  Providing products that can help is just an added bonus.


Dear Franny,

I just took a look at your site and wow has your business grown over the years! Well done you.

Many moons ago I had just had my first baby (in 2005) and bought some products from you, we had a nice little email exchange, and you surprised me by turning up on my doorstep to deliver them. I should have written this a long time ago, but now my daughter is 11 it feels almost like a dream how things were back then. I just wanted to say thank you.

It must’ve been awkward when you came to my place I was shy and introverted and you may not have been able to tell but I was incredibly sad, so conversation for those few minutes were stilted.

What you also wouldn’t have known is I’d hit a brick wall, I was over my head in PND land (without a diagnosis yet) and my child had severe reflux (which would later cause her to burn a hole through her esophagus) so she was screaming 16-20 hours a day. The doc I’d seen that morning had given me the you are young (I was 23) and babies cry ALOT speech. Nevermind I was having gallstone attacks everynight, I was sure it was cancer (the pnd talking) and I was going to die, so I didn’t go to the doctor because I didn’t want to know and I was bottle feeding (My daughter was anaphylactic to Breastmilk itself which is rare) so I was on the back foot with plunket and a few other places as well.

Anyway your kindness, non judgement that you’d arrived at my house and I was bottle feeding, and seeing you doing something you liked, the fact you were so kind and you were further along in the parenting journey (Angus I think was your sons name) just in general you being you helped me continue on. I realised it didn’t have to be this way, you gave me precious hope and that having given up my career to be a stay at home mum didn’t mean my opinion was less valuable. I made an appointment with a different doctor for my daughter, he was a father of 4 and believed in woman’s intuition, and he diagnosed my pnd while i was there for my daughters visit. It was a long road but things got better. Thank you for being part of my catalyst for change.

You may be wondering why after this long I finally wrote this rambly message to you – my SIL just posted on fb that she bought some maternity clothes from Breastmates and she is excitedly waiting for them to arrive, (She is on her first time around after a very long journey to get pregnant) and it reminded me of the one time you helped show me the light and save me.

Anyway well done on all your well deserved achievements.
