Photo Search Result

THANKS to everyone involved in our Photo Search, you ROCK!!

 I believe that all mums deserve support and gentle encouragement with feeding their babies [no matter how they feed them] and I hope that this shows through with my business and facebook page. I had a recent photo search that we hoped would provide you with inspiration.

We created a special magazine cover designed to acknowledge the amazing job mums do in feeding their babies, and then asked you for your photos.

An overwhelming response to this photo callout.  Thankyou to everyone that was involved.  With hundreds of gorgeous images which embrace all forms of baby feeding – breastfeeding, formula, expressing, tube feeding, donor milk and starting solids.  They are all gentle moments showing the love you have for your child.

Everyone is a cover star!!  I have crafted individual cover photos for everyone involved, and so pleased with the result.  Couldn’t have done it without this amazing community!

You are welcome to view the gallery I have collated on my Facebook pagehere

Perhaps you might see some of these images on a real Breastmates publication in the future….

Franny x
