Labour Didn’t Progress

Rebecca shares her birth story


Great pregnancy no morning sickness was HUGE though. Thought I was getting really fat…

EDD day came and went and no sign of baby. Midwife tried to prepare “down there” to get things started but baby was not budging.

Two weeks later I was put into Waikato hospital for induction.  Had gel applied and within an hour the period pains started and then bleeding. I became very uncomfortable and couldn’t lie down.  I found the most comfortable position to try and get some sleep was sitting in the guest chair with my legs up on the bed.

The following morning I went to the birthing unit with the most severe labour pains – they were just so sore. I tried a bath with lavender to relax but made me feel really sick and light headed, and I needed to get out.

The pain was getting really bad now and I wanted an Epidural the anaesthetist came and in the midst of pain and another contraction he did it. Ahhhhh the relief.

My husband went home had a shower and some dinner and came back. At this stage I had only dilated 4 cm. By midnight only 5cm dilated so my midwife wanted me to have a C section. Called in the surgeon who needed to check with the head surgeon who said I had to labour till morning to see how things progress. My midwife got really angry and stomped out and came back 10 mins later to say I was going in for the C section.

~ Welcome to Baby Joshua ~ 10lbs 12oz (4.9kgs) ~  38 Hours of labour.