One hundred mums recently shared a little insight about how they recovered after their c-section surgery.
One quote that was shared:Â “Giving birth is a moment in time, you are a mother forever”
Here are the comments that these women kindly shared with us…..
I had my first emergency and had really good recovery. I had my second elective c-section and I was doing well till I had really heavy bleeding which slowed down the recovery. It’s been 3 months since the 2nd c-section and I still had this stingy feeling time to time.
Emergency c/section for baby turned breech during labour & wash push into it. Recovery was awful. All I can remember from my daughter’s birthday is my leg feeling like a joint of meat to the hand strapped against it during the op. Could barely stand for days, the incision took 6 weeks to fully close – luckily no infection set it! I lost feeling in my bladder and until my son was born had to use the toilet regularly so I wasn’t caught out (as I had no idea when I needed to go) and had incontinence at the best of times (though after vaginal birth that seems to have healed). I STILL have numb patches across my belly. Maybe I was one of the unlucky ones, but I know after my vbac that another c/section would mean no more children for us, the difference was like night and day for me.
I have had 3 cesareans now and recovery was great after all of them! Felt real good after last baby and was up and moving around in no time. The thought of cesareans still scares me but my recovery is always good.
I had an emergency c-section after son’s heartbeat stopped. Recovery was quick, home from hospital the next day and walking around by day 2. Wasn’t exactly what I wanted for his birth but at the end of it I didn’t have much of a choice
My tips:
Plan ahead if you can – a freezer FULL of heat and eat prepared food.
Take prunes and kiwifruit with you to the hospital for after birth, I went for about 5 days without a movement and it was scary and odd.
LOTS of water whilst the catheter is still in.
Skin on skin with baby immediately! Establish before you go into theatre that that’s what you want to do
Keep on top of the pain relief – take it as scheduled before you feel the pain.
Take your recovery easy, don’t be super woman it is MAJOR ABDOMINAL surgery after all.
And most importantly: Giving birth is a moment in time, you are a mother forever 🙂 (plagiarized from someone else)
Recovery great, didn’t affect me to much
I was standing up within 12 hours, and walking around pushing pram two weeks later, just doing very mild exercising, and by 6 weeks, I couldn’t even notice it
I had an emergency c-sec, and have a planned one end of November. I have a ectopic right kidney so I am unable to give birth, my recovery was fantastic it was other “natural ” mums that made things hard, saying comments like ” your mid wife should have done this or done that, or they should have at least try and let you give birth, well unless they could move my kidney 15 cm it was NEVER going to happen.
Had emergency c sec due to baby being breech. Recovery was fine, was up and about next day – stayed in hosp for 4 days and my mum came to help for a few days. Had quite a quick recovery – may have overdone it slightly. Had a funny moment during the c section when the surgeon sneezed! Only complaint that I had was they didn’t tell me when they were doing things, I didn’t know when they had started – I was asking but no one was saying anything – I asked when they were going to start and they said that bubs was almost out!! Other than that was fine.
Mine was emergency due to fetal distress from being posterior and getting stuck. But apart from the soreness and normal slow recovery mine was excellent. Has been almost 2 years to the day and you can’t even see the scar I healed so well.
I had an emergency C-section – as with Kara I was fully dilated abut bubs was stuck so it was a pretty rough. C-section was at night and I was up by the next morning. The scar healed well but was numb for almost a year.
I had an emergency c after 8 hours of labour – they discovered he was breech. My first baby. Seems that some of my abdominal muscles were damaged as I was still getting pain from the incision on a daily basis until 4.5 months and there wasn’t much they could do about it. Hated it.
I recovered really well from an emergency c-sec & was able to do just about everything again straight away but because I had heard some horror stories I took a lot of precautions so I healed quickly.
My first was an Emergency c-section after full labour, head got stuck! Recovery long, much better recovery from natural birth. Glad that my husband was so awesome at helping, baby didn’t like sleep either!
I loved your phrase: “Giving birth is a moment in time, you are a mother forever “, how true….I am saying that because I felt quite frustrated after my Emergency C/S last year.
Had my 5th c-section 4 weeks ago. The 1st was the worst recovery wise, I was anxious being a first time mum and having had surgery. All others have been great. Up and moving within 4-6 hours post surgery.
First was emergency c-sect after induced labour and then discovered that bubs was breech, (cord was also around neck 5 times and was being compressed with every contraction) took months to recover from thou, with multiple wound infections.
S…second was elective, but went into labour early, so was a middle of the night c-sect – was so different, much more relaxed in theater with the staff all telling jokes etc! recovery completely different, I was due to be discharged within 48hrs however bubs had very bad jaundice and was under the billi lights for another 4 days.
I had a crash c section and then got mrsa in the wound took nearly 4 months to heal over as they meant to use dissolving stitches and they didn’t so they had to open me back up and take them out. Had a home visit nurse coming everyday for …3 months to clean it and change dressing. Fun times!
My baby is a darling though!! So was worth it
I had an emergency c-section after being in labour for 36 hours. Recovery is still underway after getting a nasty infection in my wound after a week and ended up back in hospital on IV antibiotics to get it cleared up. Hoping that it gets easier as I am only 3 1/2 weeks post c-section so looking forward to being able to drive and lift again soon if all goes well!!
Elective for number 2 due to breech position and 100% better recovery than horrid vontuse baby number1
I had an emergency c/s with my oldest son at 32 weeks and 5 days, Recovery was slow and sore. Just had my second son three weeks ago and got my VBAC!!=) Would do a natural delivery over a c/s any day!! Was up and about pretty quick, even though I hemorrhaged and felt great and empowered (must have been all the hormones)!!
I have had 2 emergency csections due to placenta previa. My recovery with my first was a shocker took me a good few months to get over it, I think it was due to having a shoddy doctor. Second time round was 100% better.
I had an elective c section, bubs was big and breach and I had pp which kept rupturing every few weeks. The procedure was great! All the docs were amazing and very helpful. After the c sec I lost ALOT of blood through clots 3 times as big as my hands, but I was still up and walking 12 hrs after op. my stitch popped open about 1cm long, which burned like crazy, but that’s only coz I overdid it. My suggestion: go for a single dissolvable stitch with beads, nice and easy to remove after 4 days. 🙂
I had one, was alright. The mummy saggy tummy 5 years later even after 3 bootcamps is a little disheartening…but then I look and my girl and I know what I’d choose again and again 🙂
Yes, have 2 kids, both by c-section. My first was emergency c-section (‘failure to progress’ after being induced), my recovery was fairly good after that. Had an elective c-section with my daughter (*had tried for a VBAC but after waiting almost 3 wks overdue – best option was to get her outta there!). It was definitely more relaxed and easier after an elective (than emergency) c-section.
C-section with breech baby. Used no pain killers, recovery was great. I was running again in no time.
Had a VBAC last week…found recovery harder and more painful with the VBAC.
Emergency c-section with twins first recovery horrible because of labour hugeness etc! elective second recovery.. I was in the shower that night! Guess it’s different for everyone
Had a c-section because my boy was premature, the surgery was fine, and recovery took about 2 weeks, had to walk like a nana for a while though 🙂
Yep I did, took my scar 4 and half months to heal, and event now it hurts at time.
I’ve had 2 c-sections and having my 3rd on Wed! First was ‘elective’ under General Anesthetic followed by a total thyroidectomy due to a goitre in pregnancy!! So that was a very complicated recovery – don’t really remember the first 2 days…, although I was still home on day 5 and c-section recovery was ok. 2nd was attempted VBAC but bub in distress and failed to dilate at all 14 hours after my waters broke. Recovery was great – up and around within hours and so much better than the 1st one!! This one will be elective so hoping for a good recovery also.
For my second pregnancy, I was induced at 37 weeks due to IUGR but ended up with an emergency c-section due to heart rate down to the 50’s. He was delivered at 4.40pm and I was out of bed showering myself the next morning once they removed the catheter with minimal pain relief use for the whole stay. They must have pulled him out very quickly as I’ve never had a bruised/blackened pubic area before.
My previous pregnancy was a vaginal delivery with vontouse assistance & “snip” with no pain relief required. The recovery after this was longer than when I had the c-section due to non-healing of my stitches.
I have had an Emergency csection, then a planned csection, then a natural birth in that order! And of all things I recovered from the csection easier than the stitches from the natural birth
Emergency c and to be fair all went well although took me a while to get my head around the whole thing…wound etc healed well and probably took about 4 weeks till I felt normal
Crash caesarean. Two weeks in hospital including a D&C, and a terrible long recovery at home.
I never felt so much pain in my life….trying to lift my arm to have a shower being held up in the shower by hubby – I was screaming in pain- couldn’t move for 3 days…..I had had a 30hour labour prior to that so was so bruised and stuffed from all the drugs- an infection etc….no VBAC for me a 2nd C-section….but much better second time around up and walking within 24 hours (but much shorter labour).
‎1st C-section was an emergency 1 was a slow and painful recovery 36hrs of labour only 3 find my sons head was 2 big 2 fit thru the birth canal so he got pushed back up also developed gestational diabetes in the last 3mnths of my pregnancy. 2nd was an elective c-section advised by my specialist didn’t get gestational diabetes 2nd time round everything was normal but baby was estimated big so was advised 2 because of my 1st pregnancy. But a great recovery and a little girl 2nd time round had a boy 1st. 1st was 9lb 1oz and 2nd was 9oz exact. Happy healthy babies.
‎3 c secs third one in May was worst because I had 2 preschoolers to look after, a baby, and hubby had to work 2 days after me getting home.  I ended up with an infection and took so long to recover and that was the elective one the 2 emergency ones were fine
I had an EMCS and it was horrible. Took weeks to recover. I always laugh when people tell me that a section is “easier”. At the time maybe, but not the weeks following. Hope to never have one ever again.
Eta I was in there for 6 days, and I had lost 1.3 litres of blood. Told it was a hemorrhage but was not told this at the time, rather about 5 months later. And some medical teams don’t want to allow me to try VBAC even though clearance was given. Any tips on how to get a good med team let me know, I want to start shopping early on.
I had a planned c-section with my second as my first caused a 4th degree tear (she was big and facing the wrong way). Recovery after the c-section birth was a complete breeze- both physically and mentally – compared to the first birth. I also had no problem breast feeding, which was a real concern for me. Saying all that, I would rather not have been faced with a c-section as I would have preferred for the baby to come out when he was ready.
I had an emergency C Sec and it was fine. Recovery was fantastic, up moving around after two days and felt 100% after about two weeks. It has been 4 months and my scar looks great but is still numb. Got a letter from midwife for insurance company to say I was fine to drive after two weeks and they gave the approval. Specialist has informed me I need an elective C section for my next baby and I have no problem with this.
I had high blood pressure and was booked for an elective c-section at 38weeks. Waters bust at 35weeks and was in labour for 28hrs 21/2 pushing epidural didn’t work and then they figured out little miss was stuck and would stop breathing every time I pushed. got to theatre and they had to take epidural out and put a spinal block in. recovery was good walking about 2hrs after as little miss was in neonatal unit. Stayed in hospital for 8days as blood pressure was high and I refused to leave till they got it under control. Baby stayed in for 10days so I only spent 2nights at home without her. I will def have another c-section recovery at home was great I just took things nice and easily and slowly. 1st time mum and I think I am doing a great job. Little miss is now 6months old 🙂
Had an emergency C-section with my first 6 weeks ago, spontaneously went into labour 11 weeks early but he was transverse. Was up and walking the hospital on day 2 as he was on a different floor from me. Was driving a 2 1/2 weeks though I felt like driving after a week. Healed nicely, am running up and down stairs. Will start yoga again once he’s home 🙂
I had an elective c-section, as bub was breech. The whole thing went great NSH team were fantastic, hardly any painkillers, and took it really easy for first 6 weeks. Midwife looked after me really well, made sure I was resting etc. had staples and had no issues at all. Wound healed really well. Still sometimes feel a bit cheated of the whole labour/natural birth thing so def hoping for a natural birth next time 🙂
I had an emergency c-sec undiscovered breech baby 2 days in labor and then hello got to have a c-sec bad recovery got infection post natal blues big time then on top got a breast infection and had to have an operation not a fun first 5 months, beautiful baby girl though!
first c-section my daughter was breach but I had to be knocked out for it, it ended up infected and was gross couldn’t even climb over the bath for a shower it hurt so bad, second c-section wasn’t dilating quick enough so had to have c-section but didn’t get knocked out this time just epidural and recovery was so quick and I felt so good after just hurt to cough for a week
2nd one was due to placenta apurbtion at 31wks, when we got to hospital they put the CTG thing on me and they discovered bubs was in distress so they called OB in to check me out and I was in labour I remember the back pain, tummy pain and feeling sick, they did a c-section gave me a general. I think 2nd time round I recovered better because this time round they gave me morphine and I got give pain relief to take home, panadol and voltaron  cos it still hurt to move around a bit, I left hospital on day 5 and Isabella came home at 38wks gestation. Hubby did most things for me at home so that was a help like he cooked tea, did the luxing/washing though 5 wks after the birth I started hanging it out but I used a step thing so I wasn’t stretching up when hanging it up.
Healed up nicely with both c-sections 🙂
Had emergency CS with my first 6 months ago. Had been booked in for an elective due to bubba being breech, but she decided early that morning that she was ready and I went into labour. Felt so empowered being in labour and wanted a natural birth, but hubby was worried about complications of a natural breech birth so opted for c-section. Hated the c-section. Took it really easy, but recovery was still slow. I’m still quite numb around the scar and sometimes still get those tingly pains.
I had my baby by emergency c-section at 28 weeks gestation due to my placenta coming away – it was a very traumatic experience. Due to the blood loss, I had 6 blood transfusions and spend a week in hospital. It took me a long time to recover from the c-section and I was black and blue for a couple of months. The wound was stapled and when healing would pinch all the time. Not a great experience, I am hoping the next one will be much better!
I had my first emergency and had really good recovery. I had my second elective c-section and I was doing well till I had really heavy bleeding which slowed down the recovery. It’s been 3 months since the 2nd c-section and I still had this stingy feeling time to time.
Emergency c/section for baby turned breech during labour & wash push into it. Recovery was awful. All I can remember from my daughter’s birthday is my leg feeling like a joint of meat to the hand strapped against it during the op. Could barely stand for days, the incision took 6 weeks to fully close – luckily no infection set it! I lost feeling in my bladder and until my son was born had to use the toilet regularly so I wasn’t caught out (as I had no idea when I needed to go) and had incontinence at the best of times (though after vaginal birth that seems to have healed). I STILL have numb patches across my belly. Maybe I was one of the unlucky ones, but I know after my vbac that another c/section would mean no more children for us, the difference was like night and day for me.
I have had 3 cesareans now and recovery was great after all of them! Felt real good after last baby and was up and moving around in no time. The thought of cesareans still scares me but my recovery is always good.
I had an emergency c-section after son’s heartbeat stopped. Recovery was quick, home from hospital the next day and walking around by day 2. Wasn’t exactly what I wanted for his birth but at the end of it I didn’t have much of a choice
Recovery great, didn’t affect me to much
I was standing up within 12 hours, and walking around pushing pram two weeks later, just doing very mild exercising, and by 6 weeks, I couldn’t even notice it
I had an emergency C sec, and have a planned one end of November. I have a ectopic right kidney so I am unable to give birth, my recovery was fantastic it was other “natural ” mums that made things hard, saying comments like ” your mid wife should have done this or done that, or they should have at least try and let you give birth, well unless they could move my kidney 15 cm it was NEVER going to happen.
Had emergency c sec due to baby being breech. Recovery was fine, was up and about next day – stayed in hosp for 4 days and my mum came to help for a few days. Had quite a quick recovery – may have overdone it slightly. Had a funny moment during the c section when the surgeon sneezed! Only complaint that I had was they didn’t tell me when they were doing things, I didn’t know when they had started – I was asking but no one was saying anything – I asked when they were going to start and they said that bubs was almost out!! Other than that was fine.
Mine was emergency due to fetal distress from being posterior and getting stuck. But apart from the soreness and normal slow recovery mine was excellent. Has been almost 2 years to the day and you can’t even see the scar I healed so well.
I had an emergency C-section – as with Kara I was fully dilated abut bubs was stuck so it was a pretty rough. C-section was at night and I was up by the next morning. The scar healed well but was numb for almost a year.
I had an emergency c after 8 hours of labour – they discovered he was breech. My first baby. Seems that some of my abdominal muscles were damaged as I was still getting pain from the incision on a daily basis until 4.5 months and there wasn’t much they could do about it. Hated it.
I recovered really well from an emergency c-sec & was able to do just about everything again straight away but because I had heard some horror stories I took a lot of precautions so I healed quickly.
My first was an Emergency c-section after full labour, head got stuck! Recovery long, much better recovery from natural birth. Glad that my husband was so awesome at helping, baby didn’t like sleep either!
I loved your phrase: “Giving birth is a moment in time, you are a mother forever “, how true….I am saying that because I felt quite frustrated after my Emergency C/S last year.
Had my 5th c-section 4 weeks ago. The 1st was the worst recovery wise, I was anxious being a first time mum and having had surgery. All others have been great. Up and moving within 4-6 hours post surgery.
First was emergency c-sect after induced labour and then discovered that bubs was breech, (cord was also around neck 5 times and was being compressed with every contraction) took months to recover from thou, with multiple wound infections.
I had an emergency c-section after being in labour for 36 hours. Recovery is still underway after getting a nasty infection in my wound after a week and ended up back in hospital on IV antibiotics to get it cleared up. Hoping that it gets easier as I am only 3 1/2 weeks post c-section so looking forward to being able to drive and lift again soon if all goes well!!
I had an emergency c/s with my oldest son at 32 weeks and 5 days, Recovery was slow and sore. Just had my second son three weeks ago and got my VBAC!!=) Would do a natural delivery over a c/s any day!! Was up and about pretty quick, even though I hemorrhaged and felt great and empowered (must have been all the hormones)!!
I have had 2 emergency csection due to placenta previa. My recovery with my first was a shocker took me a good few months to get over it, I think it was due to having a shoddy doctor. Second time round was 100% better.
C-section with breech baby. Used no pain killers, recovery was great. I was running again in no time.
Had a VBAC last week…found recovery harder and more painful with the VBAC.
Emergency c-section with twins first recovery horrible because of labour hugeness etc, elective second recovery. I was in the shower that night! Guess it’s different for everyone
Had a c-section because my boy was premature, the surgery was fine, and recovery took about 2 weeks, had to walk like a nana for a while though 🙂
Yep I did, took my scar 4 and half months to heal, and event now it hurts at time.
I have had an Emergency csection, then a planned csection, then a natural birth in that order! And of all things I recovered from the csection easier than the stitches from the natural birth
Emergency c and to be fair all went well although took me a while to get my head around the whole thing…wound etc healed well and probably took about 4 weeks till I felt normal
Crash caesarean. Two weeks in hospital including a D&C, and a terrible long recovery at home.
I never felt so much pain in my life….trying to lift my arm to have a shower being held up in the shower by hubby – I was screaming in pain- couldn’t move for 3 days…..I had had a 30hour labour prior to that so was so bruised and stuffed from all the drugs- an infection etc….no VBAC for me a 2nd C-section….but much better second time around up and walking within 24 hours (but much shorter labour).
‎I had an EMCS and it was horrible. Took weeks to recover. I always laugh when people tell me that a section is “easier”. At the time maybe, but not the weeks following. Hope to never have one ever again.
I had a planned c-section with my second as my first caused a 4th degree tear (she was big and facing the wrong way). Recovery after the c-section birth was a complete breeze- both physically and mentally – compared to the first birth. I also had no problem breast feeding, which was a real concern for me. Saying all that, I would rather not have been faced with a c-section as I would have preferred for the baby to come out when he was ready.
I had an emergency C Sec and it was fine. Recovery was fantastic, up moving around after two days and felt 100% after about two weeks. It has been 4 months and my scar looks great but is still numb. Got a letter from midwife for insurance company to say I was fine to drive after two weeks and they gave the approval. Specialist has informed me I need an elective C section for my next baby and I have no problem with this.
I had an elective c-section, as bub was breech. The whole thing went great NSH team were fantastic, hardly any painkillers, and took it really easy for first 6 weeks. Midwife looked after me really well, made sure I was resting etc. had staples and had no issues at all. Wound healed really well. Still sometimes feel a bit cheated of the whole labour/natural birth thing so def hoping for a natural birth next time 🙂
first c-section my daughter was breach but I had to be knocked out for it, it ended up infected and was gross couldn’t even climb over the bath for a shower it hurt so bad, second c-section wasn’t dilating quick enough so had to have c-section but didn’t get knocked out this time just epidural and recovery was so quick and I felt so good after just hurt to cough for a week
had two emergency c-sections. 1st one cos the scan that day said my son had stopped growing and it read 4lb something and the Doppler readings were not good so they decided to get him ASP. When born he was 5lb 1oz at 35w 5d. They also discovered when doing c-section that 30% of placenta was dead. I had the flu the night he was born so felt yuck for a few days after the birth, was living at home with mum so she did everything while I contracted on the baby/feeding/resting etc and his dad lived at his mums, we were only 19. (We got married at 21 🙂
Had emergency CS with my first 6 months ago. Had been booked in for an elective due to bubba being breech, but she decided early that morning that she was ready and I went into labour. Felt so empowered being in labour and wanted a natural birth, but hubby was worried about complications of a natural breech birth so opted for c-section. Hated the c-section. Took it really easy, but recovery was still slow. I’m still quite numb around the scar and sometimes still get those tingly pains.
I had my baby by emergency c-section at 28 weeks gestation due to my placenta coming away – it was a very traumatic experience. Due to the blood loss, I had 6 blood transfusions and spend a week in hospital. It took me a long time to recover from the c-section and I was black and blue for a couple of months. The wound was stapled and when healing would pinch all the time. Not a great experience, I am hoping the next one will be much better!