Tracey shares the story of MÄia’s birth
I had a wee baby girl last Wednesday 7 lbs 2 oz, her name is MÄia, which means:
1. (stative) be brave, bold, capable, confident. 2. (noun) bravery, courage, brave warrior, confidence, fellow.
Our birth experience was truly amazing, everything went to plan with the home birth and with MÄia being born in water, Spida and I were maybe a little too chilled out, as even the midwives casually came round to see how I was progressing, one midwife missed the birth the other got in the door to her crowning. Both midwives had said they were assessing my voice over the phone and I didn’t sound like I was in labour, so they took their merry time in getting here. To be fair I did call them about 3ish and was happy for them to call in after they had finished work at 5pm, I probably should have let them know then that my surges where 7/8 minutes apart. We look back and are glad it was just us two it made it all the more a peaceful and loving experience.
I was hungry at 3;30pm so we went out for a bite to eat and man I ate a lot!! We had left the pool filling, we came home I jumped in the bath while Spida heated the pool. We put on some kiwi music (Trinity Roots ) While waiting for the pool to heat Spida gave me light touch massage as pressure down below was starting to make be wiggle a little. I jumped in the pool at 4:30pm and was instantly relaxed and calmed by the water, it felt like the glove technique that was like this soothing wetsuit.
Spida knew when to touch me and when not to, his voice was always soft and calm reminding me and applauding me with my breathing, while singing softly to me. At 5:15pm my waters broke and it was still just me and Spy, I had to focus not to worry and just stay relaxed as the next sensation was to “push” but I breathed not pushed.
I could feel her crowning, I felt like I was in total control the whole time. When I said to Spida I was crowning I felt through his touch a bit of panic in him, he was panicked at this thought but didn’t show it. I crowned two more times after this and that’s where I feel I had total control of my body, I really do believe I calmly held off a little bit longer. Surges are a funny thing really, it was a little like a catch twenty two situation, the pressure sensation was stronger when I breathed correctly however Spida was timing by surges and they where only 30 – 40 seconds long, I blew the biggest balloons I could. (a breathing technique)
Well then the midwife walked in and realized what was going on after I told her she didn’t need to inspect me our baby’s coming now. I was talking while crowning then would focus on my breathing, I was able to tell Spida I was ready and here comes our baby. Spida’s words – ” Tracey and MÄia didn’t even squawk once”. She came out so peaceful and just looking around. I received no stitches or grazing, I was up and about walking around talking and full of energy. By 7:30pm I had my whole family around to meet her (5 people ) and we where all chatting and laughing recalling our birth experience.
The midwives – well I think they may have called into the pub on their way home for a stiff whiskey. We are the first successful Hypno birth they have experienced; honestly the look on their face was priceless hehe. Our biggest regret is not recording our experience, the video camera was all ready however due to it just being me and Spida we didn’t think to record, well I needed Spida beside me, we do have footage of straight after and one photo of me having a surge about an hour before she was born.
So we are both proud to say we are not members of those that have the horrible war stories and battle scars of birthing. If I wasn’t 35 years old I would do it all over again in a blink of an eye, but who knows age isn’t everything.
As for MÄia she is doing wonderfully, she took to the breast easily, she sleeps well, she wakes happy and content and we haven’t heard a real cry from her yet, I’m just about half expecting for her to get up and feed herself in the night. In her first week she gained 100grams, the midwife said 97% of newborns loose weight in their first week due to the transition of 24/7 feeds in the placenta to demand feeding. To loose weight is the norm however to gain weight is better!! Our girl is in the 3% crowd yippee!
~ Welcome Maia ~
Tracey is now certified to teach this amazing birthing technique and hopes one day not to far away all women can be empowered back to their birthing instincts, trust their birthing body’s and have beautiful calms births. You are welcome to view the Hypno Birth here