Low Weight Gain

Aimee shares her story.

After 6 and a half weeks of trying everything… I finally had to submit to formula. My girl was born quite Jaundice and sleepy, along with me having very bad baby blues, well this was a combination for having my milk never come in properly. I had huge support to breastfeed and had always imagined I would breastfeed exclusively. I tried pumping after feeds, breast compressions (which I still use), and now am on medication to try and increase my supply. But I do think the best thing is rest!

We started mixed feeding last week, we gave her a bottle of formula and she wolfed it down with a look that said “THANK YOU” ! I was so scared to use formula, and it has actually been amazing for us. I do believe she is getting the best start with a combination of both in our case. The poor wee thing had only gained an average of 50 to 60grams a week since birth, after starting mixed feeding she gained 410grams in a week. She is very contented currently having both the breast and bottle and she still loves the comfort of the breast, which is lovely as after 6 weeks I was enjoying feeding her – with the pain finally gone! (I had badly bleeding nipples too!)

I have really realized that you can not judge people out there holding their bottles for their babies… as everyone’s story is so different! And as long as you love and care for your little one as best as you can that is all that matters…

My daughter is so much more contented now!