Total Cost of Bottle Feeding

The cost of Formula Feeding Baby

A simple bit of mathematics.

Assumptions: If you feed your baby with formula from birth, exclusively, with no breast milk. 100% bottle feeding. From newborn to 18 months. Starting solids at 6 months in addition to formula drinks. And then weaning onto cows milk at 18 months. Taking into account the different volume of formula fed to a baby as their age changes (as recommended dosages from the manufacturers), and feeding an average child..

1 tin of baby formula = 900g

1 scoop of formula is 7.9 grams, per 50mL of water added.

So to calculate the amount of formula for the age group, for example 4 month old baby..: 200 mL feed means 4 scoops of powder at 7.9 grams x 5 feeds per day x 60 days until baby gets to 6 months old and changes their formula required dosage = 9480 grams of formula

Based on the ” how much does baby drink” guidelines specified on formula tins:

1 week: Newborn baby, 50mL feed, 7 times per day, for a week = 387.1 grams

2 weeks old: 100 mL feed, 6 times per day, for another 7 days = 663.6 grams

up to 1 month: 100 mL feed, 6 times per day, for another 14 days = 1327.2 grams

up to 2 months: 150 mL feed, 5 timer per day, for another 30 days =3555 grams

up to 4 months: 200 mL feed, 5 times per day, for another 60 days = 9480 grams

up to 6 months: 200mL feed, 5 times per day, for another 60 days = 9480 grams

over 6 months: 200mL feed, 3 times per day, for another (12 months x30 days) to take baby up to 18 months old = 34128 grams

The total formula you would have used is 59020.9 grams = 59 kg = 65 tins.

Depending on your brand of formula, and your own supermarket prices, the average tin of formula costs about $17

$17 x 65 = $1105

for 18 months milk supply

This cost excludes the costs of bottles, teats, brushes, sterilisers, heating, storage etc.